

實際上,它與 UNIX/Linux 的 du 命令類似,或您可以將它視作 Windows 上的具有圖形化使用者介面的 du 工具。


# 檢視資源大小

動後,一棵樹專業版將載入所有驅動器以及佔用空間最小的驅動器的第一層資源。按一下某個資源(驅動器 / 資料夾)將載入它的第一層資源(檔案 / 資料夾)。

# 執行操作

在一棵樹專業版中,您可以對勾選 / 高亮資源執行以下操作。
圖示 命令 適用於 工作模式 上下文功能表 快速鍵
刪除 徹底刪除 勾選資源 批量 右側清單 <Shift+Del>
回收站 移至資源回收筒 <Del>
複製到 複製到其他地方 <Ctrl+C>
移動到 移動到其他地方 <Ctrl+M>
重命名 重命名 高亮資源 單個 左側樹狀視圖 <F2>
取得完整路徑 取得完整路徑 <F4>
執行 / 開啟 執行 / 開啟 <按兩下>
顯示內容 顯示內容 <Alt+回車>

# 設置偏好


# 登錄許可證

果您已支付許可證費用,將會通過 eMail 收到許可證金鑰!

# 許可證金鑰丟失?

Northern sp. z o.o. (PL)
Olympia Eye & Laser Centre (ZA)
Technology Consulting Services (US) Tissue Typing Systems Ltd (GB) Darren G. McBride, Attorney at Law (US)
Compatible with Windows 10 Compatible with Windows 8 Compatible with Windows 7 100% Clean Softpedia's Rating
發佈 / 更新日期
新功能 / 改進 Bugs 修復
  • 重要(I):極大地提高了啟動速度。現在,啟動時幾乎無需等待。之前所有的版本均啟動緩慢,甚至在某些配置較低的電腦上需要一分鐘以上才能啟動。這是一個必須升級的版本!
  • I:能直接顯示桌面、下載、文件、音樂、影片、圖片等常用资料夹。
  • 優化樹形視圖的外觀:更美觀、更易於使用。
  • 完全支持原生烏克蘭文。
  • 能顯示簡體中文及繁體中文的升級記錄。
  • I:不能顯示名稱含 Unicode 字元之資源的“內容”框。
  • 重要(I):完全支持原生義大利文。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:極少數電腦上會出現盜版誤報的情況。
  • 若用戶電腦使用非西曆(如佛曆、伊斯蘭曆等),則可能出現有效許可證被判定為已過期的情況。
Apr 26, 2021
  • 重要(I):標準化一些快速鍵,使它們與 Windows 保持一致,例如使用<Alt+回車>來顯示資源的內容視窗(之前的版本使用<F4>)。
  • I:完全支持原生挪威文。
  • I:優化所有 17 種語言的軟體文字。
  • 大幅優化阿拉伯文的介面,更美觀易讀。
  • 將移到資源回收筒按鈕放到徹底刪除之前,更人性化。
  • 優化“請求支援”相關功能。
  • 在啟動及關於介面使用新版公司徽標。
  • 添加“更新歷史”功能表項目到説明按鈕下。
  • I:按<Ctrl+D>移除右側資源功能有問題:會多移除。
  • I:不能顯示名稱含 Unicode 字元之資源的“內容”框。
  • 重要(I):完全支持原生西班牙文。
  • I:為樹形視圖使用更美觀的預設字型及字型大小。
  • 優化許可證驗證模組。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:手動重新載入當前驅動器或資料夾節點後,未更新其大小。
  • 重要(I):完全支持原生德語。
  • I:將大小顯示在資源名稱前面以取得更佳的使用體驗。
  • I:能直接顯示線上說明內容(之前的版本,只是跳轉到“使用方法”段落,但未展開它,您需要手動展開來檢視使用方法)。
  • 優化軟體文本。
  • 內部性能調優。
Oct 19, 2018

Download This Version
  • Important (I): uses the different icon for system drive.
  • I: uses the Windows 10 style icons for all resources (drives, folders and files).
  • I: optimized the appearance for the resource tree - increased the distance between the check box and the icon.
  • I: fully supports native Polski.
  • I: fully supports native Français.
  • Optimized the color of the status bar, right list and license info (friendlier).
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized the license agreement.
  • The prompt "do NOT delete any resource for your disk actually" should be "do NOT delete any resource from your disk actually".
May 23, 2018

Download This Version
  • Important (I): no longer need to recalculate the folder size when add it to the right list, greatly improved the efficiency.
  • I: uses the Segoe UI font which is used in Vista ~ Win10 and highly recommended by Microsoft for all interfaces, makes 1TP to be more beautiful and friendlier greatly.
  • I: fully supports native Arabic.
  • Lost some shortcut keys for the Preferences interface.
  • Changed the splitter color from black to gray to make it friendlier.
  • Uses the special purchase page for 1TP, simpler and clearer.
  • Optimized the website.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • I: the right list has not used the set "Data separator".
  • I: the Preferences interface has not title.
Aug 27, 2017

Download This Version
  • Important: shows the progress and tells you what it is doing on the Splash (start) interface, to avoid that you thinking the program does not respond. Greatly improved the friendliness.
  • Important: cannot compute the size for a few system folders, in previous versions, display as "Cannot Compute Size".
Oct 16, 2015

Download This Version
  • Important: perfected UI effect for any system DPI setting, in any supported Operating Systems (system DPI setting: in Windows 7, it can be changed at "Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display -> Make text and other items larger or smaller").
  • Important: supports Windows 10.
  • Important: uses Golden Ratio for the start position of the main and splash interfaces.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized the definition of some icons/images.
  • Optimized Help menu.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Beautified About interface.
Jan 21, 2014
  • Displays the statistics of the checked resource(s) on the status bar.
  • Displays the highlighted resource on the status bar due to you may not see the highlighted node on the left tree during browsing the resources.
  • Separated the context menu items to left tree and right list (left commands for highlighted node, right commands for checked resource(s)).
  • Uses new domain name (1tree.info) for 1Tree products.
  • After pressed <Enter> on the system dialog boxes, the highlighted resource will be opened.
Feb 14, 2012
  • Added feature: can rename the selected resource.
  • Added feature: can run/open the selected resource by using the <Alt+Enter> key.
  • Added options: show the network / CD drive(s).
  • Uses the specific icon for the network drive(s).
Aug 23, 2010
  • Displays the right label for the network drive(s).
  • Sorts drives by used size, not the total size.
  • Uses the thousands separator in size.
  • Prompts you to refresh whole resources tree after registered, else you will not see the 5+ levels size.
May 26, 2009
  • New release.


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您也可通過使用以下文字在 eMail 中或其他地方手動分享本產品。

主題:軟體推薦 - 一棵樹專業版:在樹狀視圖上快速檢視資料夾大小(來自 ‘您的名稱’)


我正在使用一棵樹專業版,這是一個小巧的 Windows 工具,可以在樹形視圖中快速檢視資料夾大小,從而使您輕鬆進行手動磁片清理工作。







由 David Jaynes @ 2022/04/15
Thanks for the easiest possible install!
Thanks for the easiest possible install! It's an exe + supporting files. Just extract to it's own folder, run it, and enter the serial from the readme. This will get a lot of use in a short time. I always wondered why Windows Explorer didn't have this very obviously needed feature.

由 TheCatSaid @ 2022/04/15
Worth installing.
Works straightaway with GoogleDrive, so I can now immediately see the folder sizes. I'm able to do view folder sizes a lot quicker than the usual right click, properties when using Windows Explorer in GoogleDrive. Worth installing.

由 William Carter @ 2021/11/26
Worked excellent
Downloaded, and registered was good, I am using a Hp 4 core 16 gig ram computer 64 bit. This software proved to be a big benefit as soon as I opened it up. My Logitech cam would not work, I reloaded the drivers several times to no avail. With this program I was able to find a backup of the original driver and restore it. Worked excellent.I was not aware of having the back up.This software shows all my internal, and external drives. I have 3 internal hard drives, and 1 external drive. It reads them all. I am using the latest ver of win 10.Thanks for this excellent giveaway.

由 DONALD TRUMP @ 2020/07/19
Just what i wanted, thanks!
Just what i wanted, thanks!

由 adif @ 2019/10/21
Nice and very useful.
Nice and very useful.

由 Dambrosiosis @ 2018/09/17
A quick & clever tool
A quick & clever tool when you need to sniff out old big files.

由 PaulF @ 2017/06/30
have always been happy with it.
I use it for years (free version and Pro v2.x) and have always been happy with it.

由 nigelxxx @ 2016/10/25
so well worth it me thinks.
i have been playing with this and found i had so much i dont need or want lol 27gb gone now so well worth it me thinks.

由 BitsDuJour.com @ 2015/06/23
View File Sizes for Drives, Folders, and Files
If you need to clean up your hard drive, it helps to be able to see all of your stuff in one spot. But many of the file management interfaces that come with your computer don’t make this easy. That’s why you need today’s discount software promotion, 1Tree Pro! 1Tree Pro lets you see all of your drives, folders, and file sizes in a single tree view. With 1Tree Pro, you’ll be able to not only see the file sizes of all of your drives, folders, and files, you’ll also be able to sort them by size. Best of all, you can customize the interface to suit your needs! Just run 1Tree Pro and you’ll see your local and network drives, folders and files, complete with the amount of space they take up on your drive, in descending order. From there, just check off items and perform operations that include Recycle, Permanently Delete, or Move/Copy. You’ll be amazed at how quickly and efficiently you’ll be able to manage disk space when you use 1Tree Pro!

由 Softpedia.com @ 2014/02/07
This application allows you to explore your hard drives and manage the files and folders, by moving, copying or permanently deleting them
1Tree Pro is an application that allows users to easily see all drives, folders and files on their computers in a single tree view, which basically provides them with full control over all items. The idea behind this app is as simple as it is helpful: it shows all files in one tree view so that you can perform tasks such as disk cleaning or file management faster. Easy to use UI and batch support Basically, 1Tree Pro comes with several helpful features, including options to sort items by size in descending order, which clearly comes in handy when trying to remove files eating too much space on your drives. At the same time, it also includes support for common commands and sports options to copy the full path, just to make sure that the files you selected are exactly the one you want. The Pro version of the app comes with support for batch mode, meaning that you are allowed to perform the same tasks on multiple items at the same time. The graphic interface of the application is neatly organized and you can get a clear overview of all the files and folders on your hard disk. If you want to explore the contents of any directory, simple double-click its name, then gain access to its sub-folders and stored files. Full control over your files You can select one or several items, then copy them to another location, move or send to Recycle Bin - if you want to permanently erase certain documents, 1Tree Pro also allows you to do it. Furthermore, you can rely on 1Tree Pro to quickly rename any highlighted file or copy its full path to the clipboard, so as to make it easier for you to paste within any third-party project. Additionally, the application also enables you to launch or open any selected item using its default program, as well as analyze its properties with a single mouse click. Smart choice for manual disk cleaning All in all, 1Tree Pro can be really helpful for those who are trying to clean their computers manually and do not wish to rely on advanced apps to do it. Removing files eating up too much space might become painful sometimes, but 1Tree Pro eases the process with an intuitive UI, batch support, and a clean tree view for any directory on your computer.

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