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一棵樹是一款 100% 免費軟體,您可用它在樹狀視圖上快速檢視所有驅動器/資料夾/檔案大小,以便輕鬆地進行手動磁片清理工作。


實際上,它與 UNIX/Linux 的 du 命令類似,或您可以將它視作 Windows 上的具有圖形化使用者介面的 du 工具。

# 支持一棵樹(100% 免費)

一棵樹是一款 100% 免費軟體,如果您覺得還不錯,歡迎您通過以下方式支援它:捐贈、寫文章或評論、推薦給朋友及在您的網站上放置連結。


# 檢視資源大小

動後,一棵樹將載入所有驅動器以及佔用空間最小的驅動器的第一層資源。按下某個資源(驅動器 / 資料夾)將載入它的第一層資源(檔案 / 資料夾)。

# 執行操作


# 設置偏好

Download82 Editor's Pick Compatible with Windows 10 Compatible with Windows 8 Compatible with Windows 7 100% Clean
發佈 / 更新日期
新功能 / 改進 Bugs 修復
  • 重要(I):極大地提高了啟動速度。現在,啟動時幾乎無需等待。之前所有的版本均啟動緩慢,甚至在某些配置較低的電腦上需要一分鐘以上才能啟動。這是一個必須升級的版本!
  • I:能直接顯示桌面、下載、文件、音樂、影片、圖片等常用資料夾。
  • I:完全支持原生荷蘭文。
  • I:所有介面改用微軟從 Vista 開始使用並強烈推薦的系統預設字體 Segoe UI,極大地提高了介面美觀度及易用性。
  • 對所有資源(驅動器、資料夾及檔案)使用 Windows 10 風格的圖示。
  • 優化樹形視圖的外觀:更美觀、更易於使用。
  • 優化“請求支援”相關功能。
  • 內部性能調優。
  • I:不能顯示名稱含 Unicode 字元之資源的“內容”框。
May 29, 2018
  • Important (I): changed the default font of the tree view to Segoe UI, 9pt.
  • I: publish it as freeware.
  • I: fully supports native Slovenščina.
  • I: fully supports native Deutsch.
  • I: can expand the content after clicked the "Online help" menu item (in previous versions, just only jump to the 'Instruction' segment, but have not expanded it, you need to expand it manually to see the instruction).
  • Moved the "Move to Recycle Bin" button to the left of the "Permanently Delete" button.
  • Added "Update history" function to the "Help" menu.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
Nov 10, 2017
  • Important (I): shows the progress and tells you what it is doing on the Splash (start) interface, to avoid that you thinking the program does not respond. Greatly improved the friendliness.
  • I: supports multi-language.
  • I: fully supports native Simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Polish and Arabic languages.
  • Open translation interface for multi-language version.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized the "request remote support" feature - links to company site directly, in order to avoid clicking the mouse twice and jumping the page again.
  • Preferences interface: added shortcut keys for all elements.
  • Changed the splitter color from black to gray for About and Preferences interfaces to make it friendlier.
  • I: cannot compute the size for a few system folders, in previous versions, display as "Cannot Compute Size".
Oct 15, 2015
  • Important: perfected UI effect for any system DPI setting, in any supported Operating Systems (system DPI setting: in Windows 7, it can be changed at "Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Display -> Make text and other items larger or smaller").
  • Important: supports Windows 10.
  • Important: uses Golden Ratio for the start position of the main and splash interfaces.
  • Optimized internal efficiency.
  • Optimized the definition of some icons/images.
  • Redesigned the licenses.
  • Optimized Help menu.
  • Optimized software texts.
  • Beautified About interface.
Jan 27, 2014
  • Can open any resource by using double-click, previous versions can only open file.
  • Uses new domain name (1tree.info) for 1Tree products.
  • After did Move to Other Place, Permanently Delete or Move to Recycle Bin operation, the resource tree may not be updated if there is exception.
  • After pressed <Enter> on the system dialog boxes, the selected resource will be opened.
Dec 26, 2013
  • Added feature: can rename the selected resource.
  • Added feature: can run/open the selected resource by using the <Enter> key.
  • Added options: show the network / CD drive(s).
  • Uses the specific icon for the network drive(s).
  • Displays the right label for the network drive(s).
  • Sorts drives by used size, not the total size.
  • Uses the thousands separator in size.
  • Prompts you to refresh whole resources tree after registered, else you will not see the 5+ levels size.
Dec 14, 2013 (Update)
  • A little interface problem on Options window (hidden text).
Nov 26, 2013
  • Changed the portable package to the installer.
  • Does not use SQLite to save user settings, greatly reduced the installer size.
  • Optimized the structure of internal resources, also reduced the installer size.
  • Beautified/Optimized the text and images of software and webpage.
Feb 29, 2012
  • Supports context menu.
  • Supports reloading the selected resource.
Sep 26, 2011
  • Displays prompt when loading resources.
Nov 15, 2010
  • Supports specifying data separator (splits the name and size for each resource).
  • Supports moving resources to the Recycle Bin.
  • Does not check if the resources are stored in ROM drive when executing 'Delete' and 'Move to' operations.
May 23, 2010
  • Now can get the full path of the selected resource.
Oct 27, 2009
  • Does not create desktop and quick launch icons automatically, but made them as options.
  • Does not reload the target folder after did 'Copy to Folder' command.
Feb 12, 2009
  • New release.


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主題:推薦 100% 免費軟體 - 一顆樹:在樹狀視圖上快速檢視資料夾大小(來自 ‘您的名稱’)


我正在使用一棵樹,這是一個小巧的 Windows 工具,可以在樹形視圖中快速檢視資料夾大小,從而使您輕鬆進行手動磁片清理工作。







由 Mr. paul @ 2021/12/20
Thumbs-Up - Downloaded and installed with no probs.Is a simple program that does what it is meant to. I like the graphic display, and you can increase the font size which is a excellent idea that suites me just fine. I will keep this as a handy little add-on to navigate my way through a ton of files and folders i have collected

由 Mr. Happy @ 2021/05/11
Thanks 1Tree.
Thanks 1Tree. Installed easy. Runs perfect(win8). very helpful in keeping track of storage space. I see people have their complaints above, but I would actually say that this software would be in my top 3 giveaways of the last couple months. Mr. Happy is very happy today :)

由 Arnie @ 2017/12/11
This is a neat little program
This is a neat little program, it's fine. It's like having a table of contens of your compters hard disks. It even lists external hard drives.

由 adam @ 2016/09/30
One of the most needed software I've ever seen. Thanks!!!
One of the most needed software I've ever seen. Thanks!!!

由 Andrew @ 2015/03/21
very useful
Installed very smoothly, activated without a problem. Though many here will say that it is too simple a program, yet, I find it very useful, straight forward to be used as an explorer, with just the basic functions I need. What I like most is the choice of font for the Tree, and also the large icons of the toolbar. That is less straining for my eyes. I have refrain since time past many softwares, no matter how useful it is, just because of poor visibility, not having the choice to choose different font. Thank you Trisun Software.

由 Marineboy @ 2014/06/08
nice little utility
Installed without problem on 64bit/Win 7. Its a nice little utility to help you tidy things up, I found it to be straight forward to use and does what it sets out to do well. I'll keep it tucked away in my utilities folder for those times when I want to do a bit of housekeeping.

由 Paul @ 2013/02/03
Performance is very snappy
Performance is very snappy...no waiting for it to identify files and switching folders is very fast. As such, this becomes a much more usable and informative utility.

由 Axiomia @ 2012/11/11
It does exactly what it says
It does exactly what it says: It lists your drives, folders and files by size; D/L was quick, installed easily, and registered without missing a beat. Very simple to see and use and if that is what you are looking for, this program is right.

由 Softpedia.com @ 2011/03/19
1Tree is a handy and reliable application
1Tree is a handy and reliable application designed to enable you to quickly get the sizes of all directories/folders in one tree. The program features a simple interface which allows you to browse your hard drive, delete large files or relocate them to other partitions with minimum effort.

由 Software Guy @ 2010/05/13
Nice interface and handles most basic file manipulations (move, copy, delete...).
File sizes and folder sizes displayed is very handy-particularly folder size for burning dvds. Would like to see checkboxes for bulk file moves where the selected function is performed on the selected files. TriSun is providing lifetime upgrades which is very good. If you need file size info and folder size info up front, this is a good choice for a basic file manager.

由 BitsDuJour.com @ 2009/10/11
Quickly Visualize Directory Sizes in Tree View
Sure, you'd like to free up some hard drive space by getting rid of some of your larger folders, but finding the worst offenders can be tedious. Short of checking the properties for each and every directory in your system, what can you do? Well, it all starts with today's discount software promotion, 1Tree! 1Tree makes it easy to quickly see the sizes of all of your directories in a convenient tree view, making it a simple task to recapture disk space. With 1Tree, not only will you see your drives, folders, and files sorted by size, you'll also be able to use some of the most common commands like Delete, Recycle, Copy, Move, and more. You'll enjoy a plethora of different view options, including showing the size of folders, sorting by size, and copy full path. Like all outstanding software, 1Tree lets you customize the interface and shortcuts to match the way that you work. Deploy desktop and quick launch icons for quick and easy access. Change the font that your tree displays. Or, you can elect to have 1Tree run in Autostart mode, so you'll always have it ready and waiting for you!

Windows 版 下載一棵樹 v7.0,1.07 MB 下載